搜索 463
NS944 Blessed dispensing of the Divine 新歌
NS684 By the grace of God I am what I am 新歌
NS531 Christ Lives in Me 新歌
NS478 Christ in Isaiah 新歌
E495 Christ is God's centrality 經典詩歌
NS1006 Christ is Life and in My Spirit 新歌
NS984 Christ is everything in God's economy 新歌
NS162 Christ is everything, I need Him 新歌
E1147 Christ is our manna true 經典詩歌
NS892 Christ is the Spirit 新歌
NS977 Christ is the Tree of Life 新歌
NS1015 Christ is the life-giving Spirit, He lives inside of me 新歌
E496 Christ is the one reality of all 經典詩歌
NT496 Christ is the one reality of all 新調
E494 Christ is the testimony true 經典詩歌
E507 Christ liveth in me 經典詩歌
E594 Christ my very peace is 經典詩歌
E8436 Christ my very peace is (revised) 經典詩歌
NS773 Christ the Preeminent 新歌
E537 Christ to me is so subjective 經典詩歌
E1161 Christ will make His seeking lover 經典詩歌
NS94 Christ, not religion 新歌
E6119 Christ, the real life-giver 經典詩歌
E1148 Come and dine 經典詩歌
E560 Come, O Thou Traveler unknown 經典詩歌